Thursday, December 3, 2009

Of Associate meanings and Suggested Ideas

In Addition to Form and content there is something else which contributes to the aesthetic appreciation of poetry.This significant something is Dhvani according to Anandavardhana -- who revolutionized the field of Indian Aesthetics and Literary Criticism. the main goal of good poetry is the evocation of a mood or "flavor" (rasa) and that this process can be explained only by recognizing a semantic power beyond denotation and metaphor, namely, the power of suggestion. This Theory of aesthetic suggestion is Dhvani.

What matters most in poetry is the aesthetic reaction of a man of taste.What distinguishes a man of taste from others is the aliveness to the unique poetic function called dhvani or overtone.

Neither success in writing nor scholarship in linguistics will make one a literary critic. The difference between an ideal critic and the ideal poet is only one of degree and not of kind.A sahrdaya is one who has the temperment of a poet. The poet creates and the critic recognises poetry becuase he recreates it in himself, being of a kindered heart.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Srikology, equinox and samatva yOga..

It's that time of the year again! Approximately on the 21st day of the last month of each quarter, there is either an equinox or a solstice. Today is March Equinox and on the day of equinox, day and night are of same duration. Mother Nature strikes a balance between amount of time it spends between day and night it seems. What is life but for a subtle balance between seemingly conflicting entities. Isn't Life a balance between work and play; online presence and offline existence; tradition and modernity; science and speculation; determinism and freewill; X and Y? samatvam yOgamuchyate -- yOga it is said, is nothing other than this fine sense of balance.For a person seeking balance in life, no better time to start a new initiative, ain't it! Hence this wannabe balanced blog - SRIKOLOGY !!!